Sunday, May 13, 2018

Olivia Jayne And The Fairy Brigade

Olivia was playing in her yard while her mom worked in the garden. It was a beautiful day outside. Olivia looked up at the tree to see if her friends were there. Something glittered among the leaves and then a little fairy flew into view.

"Olivia's here," she called out, joy in her voice. Soon, more fairies came out from among the leaves to join the child in her yard.

"Olivia Jayne, let's play a game," said a little fairy in a blue dress.

Olivia laughed, as the fairy waved her hand and the flowers began to sway, dancing joyfully to a breeze created by fluttering wings.

"There should be music," another fairy piped up. Raising her hand, the birds began to sing. Olivia clapped. When the crickets joined the chorus, she began to march.

"Oh, a parade!" A yellow fairy exclaimed. She summoned the butterflies, who joined the fun. Olivia twirled, clapping her hands together. She loved this game.

Olivia's mom watched her daughter chase the butterflies. For just a moment she thought one of the butterflies sparkled a golden blue light.

Must have been a trick of the sun, she thought.

Later, Olivia, tired, lay down on a bed of dandelions. Her mama picked her up and carried her inside. The fairies yawned and stretched their arms.

"Time to go home," Mae, the oldest fairy said. The fairies all began to fly toward their tree, all except for one. The blue fairy was at Olivia's window.

"Bridgette, what are you doing?" Mae asked.

"I think I am going to stay with the child."

"But why?"

Bridgette looked toward the sky. "It's going to rain soon. The tree will get wet. It's dry in Olivia's room."

"That's true," said a small fairy named Jenna. She remembered the last time it rained. Her hair had frizzed.

"My wings always take hours to dry," another named Gale said.

"If it's raining when Olivia wakes up, she won't be able to come out to play," said a plump fairy names Dora.

"Well," said the older fairy, trying to sound responsible, "we are Olivia's friends. It wouldn't do to have her inside all day with no one to keep her company."

"Well she does have her parents," a scholarly looking sprite said. "I am sure they would play with her."

"Shut up, Fay," Bridgette hissed, while Mae seemed to ponder  what she had said.

"That is true," Mae said, and the others sighed, disappointed. "But," she added, "sometimes parents get busy."

"And sometimes they need help," Bridgette said.

"Sometimes they need help," the other fairies echoed. Their wings lifted in anticipation at the thought of staying dry.

"Well, it would be responsible for us ... As Olivia's fruends, if we offered our services in watching her at times ... When her parents may need a break, of course."

"Like on rainy days," Jenna said.

"Especially on rainy days."

And that is how The Fairy Brigade came to live in Olivia's room.

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